Víctor Rangel Licea, Ph.D.
Depto. Ing. en Telecomunicaciones
Facultad de Ingeniería, UNAM
Email: vrangelicea@gmail.com
Raúl Aquino Santos, Arthur Edwards Block, Víctor Rangel Licea. Chapter Title: An Open Service Platform based on an IP Metropolitan Mesh Network. Book Title: Streaming Media with Peer-to-Peer Networks: Wireless Perspectives.
IGI Global, 2012, pp.267-287, Editores: Martin Fleury and Dr. Nadia Qadri.
ISBN: 978-1466616134
Raúl Aquino-Santos, Luis A. Villaseñor-González, Víctor Rangel-Licea, Arthur Edwards-Block, Alejandro Galaviz-Mosqueda. Chapter Title: Inter-Vehicular Communication using IEEE 802.16e Technology. Book Title: Mechatronics Series I: Intelligent Transportation Vehicles. Bentham Science Publishers, 2011, pp. 62-81, Editores: Max Suell Dutra and Omar Lengerk.
ISBN: 978-953-307-416-0.
Alejandro Galaviz-Mosqueda, Raúl Aquino-Santos, Luis A. Villaseñor-González, Víctor Rangel Licea and Arthur Edwards-Block. Chapter Title: Survey on Multi-hop Vehicular Ad Hoc networks under IEEE 802.16 technology. Book Title: Mobile Ad-Hoc Network: Applications. INTECH, 2011, Pp. 3-18, Editor: Xin Wang.
ISBN: 978-953-307-416-0.
Raúl Aquino-Santos, Luis A. Villaseñor-González, Víctor Rangel-Licea, Miguel A. García-Ruíz, Arthur Edwards-Block and Eduardo Flores-Flores. Chapter Title: Emerging Wireless Networks for Social Applications. Book Title: Handbook of Research on Mobility and Computing: Evolving Technologies and Ubiquitous Impacts. IGI Global (in press), 2011.
ISBN: 978-1-60566-338-8
Raúl Aquino-Santos, Víctor Rangel-Licea, Aldo Méndez, Miguel A. García-Ruiz and Arthur Edwards-Block. Chapter Title: Analyzing IEEE 802.11g and IEEE 802.16e Technologies for Single-hop Inter-Vehicle Communications. Book Title: Advances in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks: Developments and Challenges. IGI Global (in press), 2010, Editor: Mohamed Watfa.
ISBN: 978-1-60566-338-8
Raúl Aquino-Santos, Víctor Rangel-Licea, Miguel A. García-Ruiz, Apolinar González-Potes, Omar Álvarez-Cárdenas, Arthur Edwards-Block, Margarita G. Mayoral-Baldivia and Sara Sandoval-Carrillo. Chapter title: Inter-vehicular Communications using Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Book title: Automotive Informatics and Communicative Systems Principals in Vehicular Networks and data Exchange. IGI Global, April, 2009.
ISBN: 978-1-60566-338-8
Miguel A. García Ruiz, Raúl Aquino Santos, Apolinar González Potes, Arthur Edwards Block, Omar Álvarez Cárdenas, Margarita G. Mayoral Baldivia, Sara Sandoval Carrillo, Víctor Rangel Licea. Chapter title: La aplicación de sensores inalámbricos en el cuidado médico dentro del hogar. Book title: Tópicos Selectos en Cómputo Móvil y obicuo. Universidad de Colima, 2009.
ISBN: 978-1466616134